
Making the euthanasia decision is probably one of the hardest things you will have to do as a pet owner.  With all the love and care in the world, there will inevitably come a point  when  it’s time to say goodbye. If you have any doubts about your pet’s  quality of  life, it’s  probably  the right time to let them go.

We believe pets  are happiest and most comfortable when at home in their own familiar surroundings. If you would like your dog or cat to be put to sleep at home,  then  please contact us.

What should you expect during a home visit euthanasia appointment?

We will always give a calming sedation injection first, allowing your pet  to drift into a sleep. This typically takes around 5-10 minutes, at which point your pet will be in a deep sleep, unaware of their surroundings.

Once they are fast asleep, the final injection will be given, usually into a vein in a leg, or elsewhere in the body. An intravenous catheter placed into one of the front legs may or may not be used. If an animal is very old or sick, the veins can  be too weak or collapsed, in which case another part of the body may be used.

After the final injection, the vet will confirm the heart has stopped and your pet has passed away. Please note it is  normal for a pet to take deep breaths (called agonal gasping), have muscle tremors/twitches, or pass urine or faeces after they have passed away.

It is entirely your decision what happens next. If you have a suitable outdoor area you may decide to bury your pet at home. You need to ensure they are buried deep enough to avoid wild animals (e.g. foxes) digging them up.

Alternatively, you may choose to have your pet cremated, which is carried out at Silveremere Haven pet crematorium. The vet will take your pet’s body away after the euthanasia, and we will organise everything with the crematorium, based on your wishes.

You can decide if you would like your pet’s  ashes back or not, and how you would like to receive them (e.g. in an urn or casket). The vet will be able to discuss all the options available either before, or during the appointment.

Whatever you decide, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible with the decision. If you have any special requests or require any further information, then please don’t hesitate to ask.

Euthanasia prices

The prices below are the veterinary fees for the home visit, sedation and euthanasia (for clients within our travel area). Crematorium fees are in addition and vary  depending on your choice of cremation and  casket, and the size of your pet. Cremation options are normally discussed with the vet during the appointment. If you would like to be emailed a list of cremation options, including prices, prior to your appointment, please contact us at

Cats: £250
Small dogs: £260
Medium dogs: £270
Large dogs: £290

Communal cremation (no ashes returned): from £79
Individual cremation (ashes returned): from £165

To book a euthanasia appointment at home, please use this form.

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